We seek a candidate who can work effectively with a team of faculty to deliver a high-quality, engaging, and consistent anatomy instruction for several programs within the school. The successful candidate will be knowledgeable about the use of student-focused pedagogy in the classroom to engage students in the learning process and will join a unit that provides students with access to high-impact practices aimed at increasing student retention, persistence, and success. The primary duty of this position include teaching didactic courses and labs in Anatomy to students focused on clinical professions; both prosected and dissected experiences are included in the lab sections. Additional duties include organizing and coordinating anatomy lab spaces, assisting with graduate student research, mentoring graduate students, engaging in research, collaborating in school advancement, and involvement in university service. The service responsibilities of this position include collaborating with members of the school to maintain accreditation, serve on university, college, and program committees and participate in activities that contribute to the community and the public affairs mission of the university.
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